Webhero Bookings app

Webhero Bookings app

Scan tickets, manage participant lists, view your activities

Free to download from the Apple App store.

This app is an extension for Webhero Bookings and lets you easily consult participant lists for events of your organization.

Secure pairing

Scan tickets

Online presences

Easily connect the Webhero Bookings app via the QR code from your Webhero Bookings management system.

Scan the QR codes of the tickets sent out and get an easy overview of all attendees.

Later export a list with the details of all attendees including time of scanning.

Easily indicate attendance in the Webhero Bookings app.

Later, export a list with the details of all attendees including time of appointment.

Calendar function

Automatic email communication

Through automated emails, companies can quickly and efficiently provide customers with important information such as order confirmations, travel plans, invoices and other details relevant to their booking.

Participation certificates

As an organizer of sports camps, you can help parents of participating children save money by issuing a tax certificate.

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